Motherboards button
Graphics Card button
Graphics Card
Monitors button
Gaming Monitor
Power Supply button
Power Supply
Mini PC button
Mini PC
Industrial PC button
Industrial PC
Server/WS button

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Product Photo
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ZWAME Portal - Recommended - Best Performance
HARDOCP - Silver
Madshrimps - High End
Inside Hardware - Platinum / Design

Z77 OC Formula

  • OC Formula Power Kit
    - Digi Power
    - Dual-Stack MOSFET (DSM)
    - Multiple Filter Cap (MFC) (Filters different noises by 3 different capacitors: DIP solid cap, POSCAP and MLCC)
    - Premium Alloy Choke (Reduces 70% core loss compared to iron powder choke)
    - 12 + 4 Power Phase Design
  • OC Formula Connector Kit
    - Hi-Density Power Connector
    - 15μ Gold Finger (CPU and memory sockets)
  • OC Formula Cooling Kit
    - Twin-Power Cooling (Combine active air cooling and water cooling)
    - 8 Layer PCB, 4 x 2oz copper
    - GELID Solutions GC-Extreme Thermal Compound
  • Supports NickShih's OC Profile, Formula Drive, FAN-Tastic Tuning, Multi Thermal Sensor
  • Supports Fine-Tuning V-Controller, Interactive UEFI, Timing Configurator
  • Supports Rapid OC, PCIe ON/OFF, V-Probe
  • Supports ASRock XFast 555, Lucid MVP, Dehumidifier, OMG
  • Free Bundle : 1 Front USB 3.0 Panel, 10 OC Stands
This model may not be sold worldwide. Please contact your local dealer for the availability of this model in your region.

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The specification is subject to change without notice in advance. The brand and product names are trademarks of their respective companies. Any configuration other than original product specification is not guaranteed.

The above user interface picture is a sample for reference. The actual user interface may vary with the updated software version.